
Indische Gesellschaft Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Umgebung e.V. (IGUNU) is a non-profitable organisation and is funded through membership fees, grants and donations. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in Indian Culture, Language & Arts. One of the most important benefits of being a member of IGUNU provides a platform for integration with other members who share mutual interests, similar cultural background and can build new relationships and support each other. In other words, a family far from homeland.

Membership Categories

  • Youth / Student.

    • 10€ Yearly
    • 16-20 years old and or students with a valid identity issued by a university / institution affiliated with Studierendenwerk Ulm
  • Family

    • 30€ Yearly
    • Familes of upto 2 adults wih children included.
  • Individual

    • 15€ Yearly
    • Individuals of 21 years or older and who does not fall into student category can avail membership under this category.

Membership Duration

Membership duration is for one calender year term.

Membership Benefits

  • Subscription to IGUNU events and activities.
  • Special discounts to events organized by the IGUNU.
  • A Platform to retain a link to Indian Culture and Heritage through participation in relevant educational, cultural and leisure activities and mostly play a role in developing Verien, its future and focus of activities.

Membership Rights

  • Rights to elect the Office Bearers for the board during the election.
  • Eligibility to contest in Verein election (18 years of age and above).
  • To submit proposals for events and activities.
  • Can also be part of role in developing activities within the scope of Verein.
  • Binding Satzung can be found here : IGUNU-Satzung.pdf

Membership Termination

  • The above stated fee is for membership for 1 Calendar year.
  • Membership is renewed automatically for the next calendar year.
  • Membership can be terminated by writing an email to with subject-line as “Termination of Membership - ID XXXX” (or alternatively click email link to open an email with right subject) at least 1 month before the end of the calendar year.
    • A confirmation of termination/response to the termination request is usually sent within 14 working days.
    • Under such circumstances, the members are obliged to return any properties that belong to the Verein and pay all dues pending with the Verein. The membership fee shall not be refunded.

Becoming a Member

  1. Please download and fill out the application form.
  2. After filling the application, please send out the filled application (in PDF form) to email-id with subject-line “Membership New Application first-name last-name” (or alternatively click email link to open an email with right subject).
  3. Wait for a confirmation email confirming membership accpetance along with a membership ID.
  4. The membership fee shall be transferred to the following bank account. Please use the membership ID as reference in the transaction.
  5. Bank Details:
    • Account Name: Indische Gesellschaft Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Umgebung e.V.
    • IBAN: DE05 6309 0100 0411 4030 01
  6. Or, Scan to send your payment with your banking app

    Membership Transfer via SEPA
