Members gathering for a picnic at Donau


Open-Letter to members

Dear members,

What a fantastic and constructive get-together we had! It was truly heartwarming to see the passion and dedication each of you has for our community. Your ideas and thoughtful insights have shown us the potential for even greater positive impact.

As we move forward, let’s continue to foster a strong sense of one inclusive community. Your unique perspectives and experiences enrich the discussions and initiatives we will undertake in future. So, let’s keep the communication channels open and encourage one another to share our thoughts and ideas on the group platform. Together, we can make a lasting, positive impact for our community and beyond.Thank you all for your commitment and willingness to make all inclusive community.

Thanking you all !!

Yours sincerely,


Discussions at the meet

Support for Community / Regional Events

Supporting Community / Regional Events is of great importance to us as it brings people together and showcases our rich cultural heritage. We understand that organizing large-scale events can be challenging for community and regional groups due to limited resources and management capabilities. To assist in overcoming these challenges, e.V. is committed to offering all possible support to regional events. While we may not be able to individually organize each event in detail, we are more than willing to provide essential resources such as venue contacts, music systems, catering, tents, and more. By collaborating with e.V. and operating under the e.V. umbrella can provide economic benefits and help reduce organizational hurdles for the community.

We firmly believe in the principle of “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”. To respect the diverse identities of regional events, we recommend that each community take the lead in organizing their respective gatherings, as they know best what will preserve the event’s essence while adhering to legal processes. We have noted that in many cases, not all members of the organizing team of a Regional event are members of Verein. It is important to consider that omitting the regional name from the event might create concerns and hurdles for the organizing team in getting volunteers from the community. Hence, we kindly request the organizing teams to take into account the significance of the regional identity while planning the event. By embracing and preserving the regional name, it will not only maintain the authenticity of the event but also encourage more community members to participate and contribute to its success.

We kindly request the organizing teams of regional events to keep their celebrations open to others, allowing fellow Indians and people from different backgrounds to experience the rich cultural heritage of India. As e.V., our purpose is to serve as a facilitator in strengthening our community, and we are dedicated to supporting events in any way we can without imposing obligations. Should the organizing team require assistance in managing an open event with a larger audience, we are ready to request voluntary contributions from our e.V. members upon their consent. Furthermore, we wholeheartedly encourage even groups of people from different communities to organize regional events if it contributes to the promotion and preservation of our cultural heritage.

Asset Creation

The idea of creating assets such as vessels or other useful items for the community is indeed worth considering. However, as e.V. is still in its early stages, we prioritize utilizing our limited funds for organizational overheads and reducing ticket prices for upcoming events to benefit our members and guests. It is important to note that as a non-profit organization, any assets or profits generated should be utilized solely for e.V.’s core purpose, which is promoting our culture on a larger scale. Verein is committed to being transparent and accountable to the authorities regarding the usage of funds and assets. While we keep the idea of asset creation on our radar, our immediate focus remains on supporting the community through accessible events and cultural programs.

Enhanced Communication with members

Enhancing communication among e.V. members is vital for fostering a strong sense of community. To achieve this, several initiatives have been taken:

  1. A dedicated members-only WhatsApp group has been set up, allowing all Verein members to freely share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.
  2. more members-only gatherings are planned to provide a platform for meaningful interactions and discussions.
  3. We encourage all members to contribute by sharing any information they believe could be beneficial to our entire community through our website.

Active participation and open communication from each member will play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall communication within our e.V. Let us work together to build a stronger, united community.


  • Date: 22.07.2023
  • Time: 15:00

