Holi 2023

Rang Barse


Its that time of the year to bring some colors, and switch gears to celebratory mood in an otherwise cloudy winter days.

“Kein anderes Fest der Welt wird so bunt gefeiert wie das indische Holi–Fest. Dahinter steckt eine jahrtausendealte Tradition. Eine Gruppe Inder aus Ulm veranstaltet nun ein solches Festival auch in Wiblingen. Was sie damit erreichen möchten und wer sich anmelden kann.” - schwaebische.de - Tanz, Musik und Farbenrausch: Erstes Holi–Festival steigt in Ulm



  • 14€ (6 years and above) - non members
  • 11€ (6 years and above) - members


  • Address: Festwiese, Schloßstraße 38, 89079 Wiblingen
  • Date: 11.03.2023
  • Time: 14:00 - 17:00 CET

Please note

  1. Since, this is an outdoor event dont forget to bring something to keep yourself warm
  2. After playing with colors, dont forget to bring an extra set of clothes to change ( if you are travelling by public transportation) after the event.
  3. There is only a toilet at the venue and there is no changing room.
  4. We have arranged the colors, snacks and water at the event.
  5. Since we need to manage our garbage. Please be mindful of the mull

A big thank you for participants

This was our first event planned for 2023. So far, many of us had been celebrating it privately. Our purpose was to make it an inclusive event so that we have everyone participating in it; Indians and non-Indians. Integration being the motto of our association, constructing bridges to connect is the best method.

While Friday evening weather was completely stormy, it seemed like nature also heard our prayers and chose to co-operate. During the entire event it was simply clear sky and beautiful sunshine. Although there was slight wind, the music and dance was sufficient to keep our bodies warm. Most were eventually on T-shirts at 3*c temperature. There were people from all communities who had come from places like Ravensburg and Friedrichshafen too.

Holi become a natural magnet for all. With it’s spirit of inclusiveness it was evident that one could barely keep himself out of it. The colors, the music, the food, the fun were the magical ingredients to keep the energy high. With more than 200 participants; “we all are in this together” was vividly visible.

A big loud thanks to each and everyone who contributed to make it a huge success.

Media Reports

  1. Mehrere Hundert Besucher bei Holi–Festival - www.schwaebische.de
  2. Farbenfest: Hier gibt es die 15 besten Fotos von dem Spektakel - www.swp.de/lokales/ulm

Social Media


People gave a big 👍’s and 🎉’s with their feedback on WhatsApp. Here’s are some of the feeback.

youtube videos

Instagram and FB

  1. Instagram reel
  2. #NattuNattu Flash mob - FB video